by pascal | Jan 9, 2019 | Uncategorized
TRAINING PSYCHOLOGY PART 3 OF 3 A decision is something you choose, an emotion is something you feel. You don’t feel disciplined, you are disciplined, as it was your choice to be, and as a result, you feel something for making that decision. It’s easier said than...
by pascal | Jan 9, 2019 | Uncategorized
TRAINING PSYCHOLOGY PART 2 OF 3 Discipline is a decision, and everyone has the ability to make this choice. People now have more distractions than ever. Many of the emotions you feel are based on the decisions you make, and discipline is the underlying layer to many...
by pascal | Jan 9, 2019 | Uncategorized
TRAINING PSYCHOLOGY PART 1 OF 3 Corporate gyms have traditionally marketed fitness as being fun. I’m not necessarily saying there is anything wrong with this, but for many people, it’s not realistic. If you rely on fun to be your motive for working out, what happens...
by pascal | Jan 9, 2019 | Uncategorized
BODY ARMOUR One of the biggest arguments about steroids is how unhealthy they are. Some say they are bad for you, some say they’re not. But I think the real issue is that they affect the way people look at their own bodies – particularly teenagers – in a negative way....
by pascal | Jan 9, 2019 | Uncategorized
Q AND A “Should I do cardio to lose fat?” Cardio burns calories there and then and a few hours after your exercise, as your metabolic rate has risen temporarily. But with resistance training (by this I mean weights or bodyweight exercises) not only are you burning...